Economic crime and environmental impact law, a new scenario

Bank secrecy

We invite you to read the letter to the editor written by our Tax Group Director, Andrea Bobadilla, on the discussion that has taken place in the Senate to make the lifting of Bank Secrecy more flexible. Mr. Director: In relation to your editorial where the importance...
Column by Gabriel Zaliasnik: ¿Quied ius?

Column by Gabriel Zaliasnik: ¿Quied ius?

We invite you to read the column written by our partner, Gabriel Zaliasnik, on the question “quid ius”, product of the crisis of the Rule of Law in Chile. In recent years, Chile has accumulated institutional problems that are increasingly deeper and more difficult to...
Column by Gabriel Zaliasnik: ¿Quied ius?

Karin Law, a paradigm shift for companies

We invite you to read the column written by our partner, Jorge Arredondo, on the paradigm shift for companies as a result of the Karin Law. On August 1, the so-called “Karin Law”, a new regulation on harassment and violence in the workplace, will come into force,...