The Financial Analysis Unit is working on the modernization of the Updated Compilation of Standards. The Financial Analysis Unit put its proposed...
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UAF began the process of updating the rules applicable to reporting entities
The compilation will include all circulars issued by the UAF that are currently in force, with the exception of those issued in collaboration with...
Law on Inclusion | Companies with 100 or more hired workers must make an electronic declaration in January
Organizations must hire, or keep hired, at least 1% of people with disabilities or who are beneficiaries of a disability pension. In accordance with...
UAF is moving forward with the updating of the RAN based on the information gathered during the public consultation.
The Financial Analysis Unit is working on the modernization of the Updated Compilation of Standards. The Financial Analysis Unit put its proposed...
UAF began the process of updating the rules applicable to reporting entities
The compilation will include all circulars issued by the UAF that are currently in force, with the exception of those issued in collaboration with...
Law on Inclusion | Companies with 100 or more hired workers must make an electronic declaration in January
Organizations must hire, or keep hired, at least 1% of people with disabilities or who are beneficiaries of a disability pension. In accordance with...