Leaders League, a French publishing magazine that analyzes the legal and financial marketplace in 43 countries, recently published its 2018 ranking in the areas of technology and intellectual property, in which our firm was featured in the 5 following categories:
Intellectual Property Litigation | Ariela Agosin – Eugenio Gormáz
Technology and Digital Services | Óscar Molina
Trademark Registration | Eugenio Gormáz
Patent Registration | Eugenio Gormáz
Anti-Counterfeiting | Óscar Molina
To create these rankings, information was gathered for various months about the 46 qualified law firms, and during this time, their competition, users, and clients were contacted directly and at random. Furthermore, the last source was taken from a “Peer Review” which does not refer to clients or competition, but rather a person or group who has worked previously with the firm.
This recognition may be added to the prize that was recently awarded by the prestigious publishing magazine Managing Intellectual Property for the best Anti-Counterfeiting Firm of the Year.