Francisca Franzani and Loreto Hoyos will lead the effort to strengthen the response capacity to high demand, streamlining the adaptation processes to the new standard.

Everything indicates that 2024 will be as hectic a year as the previous one, in all areas. However, companies will come under additional pressure, as august 17 marks the one-year deadline for legal entities to adapt their compliance models to the new Economic Crimes Law. That is why, in parallel, legal firms will also be challenged to respond with their expertise to the needs of their clients in this area. And that’s what Albagli Zaliasnik is in, exactly.

Since the publication of the law, the law firm of the lawyers and partners Gabriel Zaliasnik and Rodrigo Albagli (az), began to adapt also to meet the needs of its clients, adopting actions ranging from trainings to directories to new actions to face the high market demand.

With this objective in mind, the firm decided to strengthen the criminal and compliance area with a team composed mainly of women professionals, experienced in these areas, which will be led by Francisca Franzani, director of the Compliance area.

The compliance and criminal litigation team is composed, in addition to Francisca Francisca Franzani and Loreto Hoyos, who manage respective areas, by Caterina Ravera, senior associate of the Compliance group; Florencia Fuentealba, associate of the Compliance group; Daniela Castillo and Catalina Valdés, associates of the Criminal group; and Francisca Macchiavello, Constanza Pasarin, and Trinidad Moreno, associates of the Compliance group.

Franzani, with vast experience in internal investigations and the elaboration and implementation of compliance and crime prevention policies in multinational companies, points out that the leaders of the Criminal and Compliance teams of Albagli Zalianik agree that from the entry into force of the Economic Crimes Law, the boards of directors must have a new criminal approach to corporate issues, which is why she is convinced that it is key that they can count on comprehensive advice, with experts in both, to support them both in the prevention of the risks of the company, through efficient and effective compliance models, as well as in the prevention of risks from the board of directors.

High demand

For the same reason, the firm has proposed to strengthen its team, implementing additional strategies in order to enhance its response capacity to the high demand that is being noticed, streamlining the adaptation processes to the Economic Crimes Law.

Thus, the team will focus on the implementation of specific compliance models, with the aim of strengthening the response capacity against economic crimes, promoting the commitment of the boards and Senior Management in these matters.

The law firm emphasizes that these measures are part of a broader strategy, which includes new strategic alliances and meetings with women leaders in the sector, in order to consolidate the firm’s position as a benchmark, reaffirming its commitment to innovation in the provision of legal services. On the other hand, in May, the studio will participate as an exhibitor at the Chambers Forum, Chile 2024, addressing the legal challenges in the Law of Economic Crimes in Chile.

Not all the crimes of this law, more than 200, apply equally to all companies. Therefore, the training of the boards of directors and the creation of a risk matrix is key to anticipate the entry into force of the law for companies” says the director of the compliance group, Francisca Franzani.

And, then, he reflects that “companies have the role of generating a positive impact on society and stakeholders. Therefore, ethics and good corporate practices are values that we must combine to guarantee a more sustainable development in the long term“.

For his part, Hoyos emphasizes that “in order to face possible causes derived from the economic crimes law, it is key that the directories previously know how to implement a new criminal approach.” According to the professional, “this law is undoubtedly related to more complex litigation cases, so it is essential to have the support of teams with proven experience. Only with this global vision and practice will companies be able to successfully overcome the challenges and cases presented by the new law”.

Source: Diario Financiero january 23, 2024.

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