It is essential that all companies, particularly those in which a large part of their activities have associated risks, adapt their crime prevention...
The paradigm shift driven by the Economic Crimes Act: Companies will face harsh penalties and cultural challenges
We invite you to read the LexLatin report in which our partner, Rodrigo Albagli, commented on the importance of compliance programs in companies as...
From the Economic Crimes Act to the Karin Act, how the culture of compliance is advancing and the challenges it poses for companies
In the opinion of the experts, the new standards converge in building and sustaining an ethical culture using tools such as risk matrices, training,...
Scope of the Economic Crimes Law in the mining industry
It is essential that all companies, particularly those in which a large part of their activities have associated risks, adapt their crime prevention...
The paradigm shift driven by the Economic Crimes Act: Companies will face harsh penalties and cultural challenges
We invite you to read the LexLatin report in which our partner, Rodrigo Albagli, commented on the importance of compliance programs in companies as...
From the Economic Crimes Act to the Karin Act, how the culture of compliance is advancing and the challenges it poses for companies
In the opinion of the experts, the new standards converge in building and sustaining an ethical culture using tools such as risk matrices, training,...