There are almost 300 companies listed as CCGE in the aforementioned resolution, including telecommunications, mining, salmon farming, among others.

On August 5, Resolution No. 29 of the Ministry of Energy was published in the Official Gazette, which establishes the list of Consumers with Energy Management Capacity (CCGE) corresponding to the 2024 reporting process, who will have a period of 12 months to implement and maintain an Energy Management System (SGE).

After the energy reporting process, corresponding to the year 2024, there are almost 300 companies listed as CCGE in the referred resolution, including telecommunications, mining, salmon, among others.

For these purposes, those with consumption over 50 tera-calories have been considered, according to the information provided by each entity.

What deadlines begin to run with the publication of this resolution?

  • Implementation of an Energy Management System:

First, a 12-month period for the purpose of implementing and maintaining one or more Energy Management Systems.

  • Discrepancy:

In the event of a discrepancy with their classification as a CCGE, they will have a period of 20 working days to present it to the Superintendency of Electricity, with a copy to the Ministry of Energy.

  • Communicate SGE to be implemented

Likewise, they shall have 30 working days from the date of this publication or from the resolution of the discrepancy indicated in the preceding paragraph to communicate to the Ministry and the Superintendency whether they will implement one or more certified or non-certified BMSs.

  • Appointment of Energy Manager

Finally, they will have 40 working days from the date of this publication or from the resolution of the discrepancy indicated in the preceding paragraph to communicate to the Ministry and the Superintendency the Energy Manager appointed by each company.

You can review the complete list of Consumers with Energy Management Capabilities at the following link.

Finally, for further information on these issues, as well as on the handling of these proceedings, please contact our Public Law and Regulated Markets team:

Antonio Rubilar | Partner |

María José Campeny | Senior Associate |

Claudia Delgado | Associate |

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